
Thursday, September 23, 2010

hole in the door

5th Sept 2010, Sunday. Lock down!

i head to the kitchen to make baby R's porridge.... then i heard bro calling for C to open the door from the outside.... the door can't be opened after bro closed it! in the room was my baby, mum, sis and bro. C and I tried so hard to turn the knob and it failed to open the door. so my poor baby cried and prob make everyone in the room more anxious. i managed to slip under the door 2 gingy biscuits in a ziplock bag for baby r to munch on and sis entertained her with her iphone kiddo videos... the locksmith came and hack on the doorknob... he left scratchmarks on the door as he hacked very hard to break the knob. my mum's expensive wooden door hurt and she is left without a knob... the ex-owner is the one to be blamed! he lost the key!

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