
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chicken Pox scare!

yesterday i brought baby R to the docs asshe sprouted some red spots on her right waist and her face had red spots too... they were not watery, not blistered like CPox was to be but my neighbour did tell me her son started with normal looking rashes and they became watery blisters... she spent $119 for her young 6 mths old! with the fever symptom that came and go, i fed her fever med twice and it didnt come back, i prayed that its just reactions to the MMR jab we had last Monday! we head to the polyclinic instead to see if it was CPox as my neighbour offered me the med and all i needed was to confirm if she was down. we were isolated in a corner of the polyclinic and the 2 nurses came and shook their heads...

they didnt think it was CPox... the doctor came and told us the same thing. she said the virus is air-bourne, just dun let baby R go near still as the virus is still around and will stay for 1month! i asked the doc if (fingers-X) baby R gets it, should i bring her to doc? she told me theres no medication for chicken pox! i showed her the name of the med and she said that is for body something.... like a booster for the body to get well soon? all she told me was if i had runny nose med... cos that all i need if baby R is down.

Runny nose med for chicken pox? yeah. i double-confirmed it as she say the med is only to be taken if she is down with it and its to be taken if baby R starts to scratch! its for her to feel droswy, go to bed so she dun scratch! i took the med as baby R was down with bad runny nose for before she had the fever. no harm to stand by the med in my fridge!

so far so good, the face spots are diminishing. the body ones did not have any increase but getting lighter. so we are heading for our wedding dinner party at Shangrila tonite and with all things well, we would attend my cousin, baby R's little Uncle L's 5th bdae party! hope weather would be good and we might go for a dip in the pool when we return to their house after the party! FINGERS-XXX!

also many thanks to all the ladies who showered their concerns when i sounded the alarm on FB for remedy, cure, what to do with a chicken pox baby! i want to keep their suggestions with this post so that if ever, even with the CPox jab, if my baby gets it, i would know what to do!

Joanne Cher Wan Ang-Loo Can bathe but remember to pat dry instead of rub dry. Actually doc will say can eat anything but I think just avoid chicken, prawns, nuts or food that may cause allergies lah. :)

Zany Lyn Hi dear, avoid giving her chicken n soy sauce. It will leave visible marks n itch her body. Thats what the old ppl says lahh

Emily Tan Try to apply calamine lotion to supress the itch. On the positive side, once they get it, they're immune. J also had chicken pox at 18 months

Lucindy Lee I bathed both kiddos in oatmeal..i put uncooked oatmeal in muslin bag, soak n squeeze it..water turned milky n i let them soak for abt 5mins..be careful cos water n bb will b slippery, i avoid soap..i also hv somethg for bathing .. pass to u if need k..then pat dry. I used calamine on S, on W i used calendula cream as long as moisturised, he dun feel the itch (i guessed)! Avoid citrus fruits, prawns, squid, nuts, chix n egg (S took egg..hope no side effect)..nails short to avoid scratching..

Michelle Helen I bathed them with Dermaveen, commercially prepared cleanser with oatmeal. Calamine lotion after bathing. My little boy lost his appetite and had milk all the time because he had a lot in his mouth, my little girl gained 3 kg because of the only activity was eating. She blames not having enough in her mouth for her gained weigth--funny girl.

My fren's son B is down with Cpox right now and when he gets back to school, he needs to sit for exams... poor boy! i hope he gets well soon, feel better and do his best for the papers!

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