after the swim, baby r didnt sleep and she got really grouchy after awhile in her car seat! gave her a pacifier and she slept in no time. i love the way she cross her 2 tiny feet when she is sitting in her car seat. she doesnt like to be in it but she does not struggle when she gets into it but she frowns for the 1st 10mins and sometimes for a longer period! we would tell her its her special seat and she has to be in it as its for her safety.
sis followed us to tampines one. she was our guide to the new shopping mall. it was so crowded and there was a long queue to even get into the carparks! all 3 shopping malls had long queues of cars trying to get in! gx managed to get some stuff for cny and i got a pair of B&Wchecked stockings. after getting some snack we head home.
baby r napped very little in the day and only had a very short nap in the car and in the shopping mall. she woke up when we started shopping... she cried and nothing could stop her. sis asked for my mobile and on baby r's favourite children cd... no other children cd works like this one! its an album sis got. sis used to play it for baby r when she babysit her. it works wonders! she stopped and calmed down... she just sat quietly in her car seat till we got back to mums!
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