25th September 2010. Another reason why we didnt go for a lavish dinner for our 5th wedding anniversary... we have too many good dinners on our September calendar! Recap : 15th Sept - Mum's chinese 60th bdae at Imperial Treasures and 19th Sept - bro's wedding food tasting. Almost every week, we had bdae cakes and good meals at parties and this wasnt the last for September!

thanks to my sis and bil cos i totally forgotten to bring my camera! they lent us their camera so that we could take the many shots of our gal! she wasnt scared of the huge crowd gathering,waiting for the doors to the ballroom to be opened... she was good, she found a spot where she stood for awhile and she entertained herself... she was checking out her dress infront of a mirror!
my sis looked fab! the dinner has many distingush guest cos my sis's new bil's dad is someone. i had a hard time deciding what to wear... haha and of cos i want to look good thou i have piled on tons of weight! my hair was still pretty wet when it was time to go and i didnt get to blow my hair so i tied a tight ponytail. with this dress i think i look neater with my hair tied up, jus glad i had my hair long... and so glad baby R's hair is kept too!

no way to keep our little gal still and it was so crowded we didnt want to lose her so we entered the ballroom 1st. I spotted someone on the main VIP table! the staff had to arrange something on the huge table think it was a 20seater? she or he has to step onto the table itself, can't remember if her shoes were on or off.... daddy show baby R the many tiered cake and of cos baby R wanted to go nearer...

its my 2nd time here in the same ballroom. the menu looked so long.. with lots of description cos i heard from my sis that some of the dishes were specially designed for the FIL as he knows the head chef... the dishes were nice but some pretty unusual cos green mustard was served as veg, not many liked it cos i think only Cantonese uses that alot in soups... love truffle oil but for me it didnt really go very well with the braised duck... think the best braised duck goes to my popo's family recipe, the one my mum makes is the best!

other than that the dishes were nice and the music sang by the live performers was nice. the couple chose a luggage tag and wine charms for their wedding flavours and i love the wine charms! useful and pretty! think wine charms are fun to have, this may spark me to get more but when will i get to use them... haiz... really wish we could have our own space...

daddy's little girl

mummy's little darling...

baby R loves the music and she broke into her dance naturally! she recognise most of the songs as i have used them in my videos and she would look at me and Ahhhh - so proud of her as she has pretty good memory and she shows she pays alot of attention to my videos! love my gal! the shoes are new and they were suppose to be for my bro's wedding but we realise it mit be too small for her in OCT! so she got to wear these and they look so sweet on her. it was a pair i saw at taka baby fair, one pair among the boys shoes and its less than $10 after discount.
a very happy party baby!
baby R is not afraid of thunder but very afraid of lots of cheer and when many people clapped their hands! so thou we were sitting right at the front, next to the VIP table, i only managed to catch one shot of the bride in her wedding gown. Quite unique was the groom in a brown suit.

mini portrait shoot!
it was time to change baby R's diapers so we head out and also to give the little one some time to move about before she ran out of patience to stay at the table... while daddy head to the loo, i tried to do shoot for her on the nice reddish velvet sofa... but she was so active, moving all over the place, not many nice shots.

we saw the famous lawyer Subash while our gal was running around outside the ballroom with daddy keeping a close distance near the active baby. after a good run-about we head in... daddy walked the red carpet with our little one... think daddy would be pretty emotional when she sees her gal down the aisle in 20++ years time... i would be too!
the bride was in a rosy pink gown...

pretty emotional not becos of the yumseng... its when my bil's youngest sis sang and dedicated it to her sis, i was holding onto my little one and swaying her to the music... it was a very warm moment. baby R was given the flowers taken from the back of the VIP chair and of cos she loves it! half way thru the dinner she napped... how come... cos the dinner somehow stretched and ended after midnite!!! yes the dishes were served very slowly and our whole table skipped dessert. somehow being next to the VIP table, but we were always served last...so weird and the other sad thing that happened to me was i lost my little black jac which i didnt wear the whole nite as i was feeling so warm from taking care of my gal.
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