Oct Saturday. My aunt O donated 2 tables for charity and invited us to attend the dinner. She brought her family, my mum, aunt K and nesa to SH, so we had to try to arrange on our own to fill the 2 tables. i called dap along for the dinner as most of my cousins can't make it. so sis, bil, dap, my uncle and aunt shared table with our little family and the other table had 7 too...

the dinner is at Mandrin Orchard and with its layout changes, it was hard to find how to get to the ballroom! the dinner was not bad, the MC was really funny and interesting. he was very good at making people laugh! the dinner was enjoyable becos of the entertainment minus the horrable funny dancers thou... the music played thru the nite was pretty loud and baby R wasnt very comfortable with it... we left before all the dishes were served as we had to pick gx's parents from work. Still glad we made it for another scumtious free meal! didnt take pics cos i wasnt at all in the mood. was feeling tired and baby R wasnt that easy thru the dinner...
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