after lunch, back to shoot. weather remains beautiful and sunny! gx hardly could open his eyes! he found it way too glaring! baby R was opposite, she seemed to love the sun rays on her! she was beaming with energy too! i am thankful that we had such a lovely fine day for our shoot! also the pink sail was a pretty sight to have on our photos!
what you see in the videos are of cos specially selected by me... the reason why i slowed down so much with my post is not only due to the parties and wedding we attended... i spent quite abit of time editing the photos and creating new ones from jus one photo and i see which one works out better. before the shoot haha i did think of what can we do during the shoot... lots of brain power put into thinking, something simple and easy and it will turn out nice and not look silly... but we are dealing with a very active baby who doesnt listen to instuctions very well... even thou she understand... she doesnt do according! but it was worth a try!
i wanted a back shot of jus me and gx... fat figure but i want the shot as i love back shots... but it didnt turn out as romantic as i wanted the pic to be and its not dap's fault! cos either gx or me couldnt take our eyes off our little one who is suppose to stand next to dap and dap had to stretch out her hands to hold when baby R tries to run while taking our photo! then u see baby R infront of us and running past us! wanted her to run thru our hands but she ran past instead! but i still love the photos cos its very natural and reflects what happens on the day! when she finally ran thru, she was dashing hoping to get away from us so that she can have her freedom to do whatever she wanted....

but of cos we caught her and she got back to the same spot and we decided to hold her hands for a shot!

love it that dap takes far shots for us. she did discuss with me cos she was worried that i might not like it.. but i told her to work her magic and i put my camera to the highest resolution so that i can crop in for details. she did such a great job of not following us and took a beautiful shot of my little family strolling across the field. from one photo, i created another 3 and it all gives a different angle, different feel and i managed to crop out jus US without baby strolling ....
when i told baby R to go get dap, she ran a dn fell and i was glad dap caught a shot cos she look so cute on the grass - evil mummy! but she seriuosly looked like she was posing! daddy urged her to stand on her own and they hugged when daddy got nearer to pick her up! sweet moment....

Gx wanted to show baby R the waves and we head back out towards the sea...

dap loves to take slanted photos too.. i love the huge sky portion where it make it look endless and so blue and beautiful. i am very affected by the palm trees that is blocking the waterway ... so i usually have to crop away the trees! also i will turn every slanted pic and crop them to give the photo another feel and usually these are closer shots.

when we took for dap... haha... we took it straight.... nothing artistic! OH NO.... her photo really is better than the ones we took for her... so i tilted the photos and crop it alittle to give it a better composition.... still not as nice as the ones she took, cos i can only tilt but not enlarge the sky area.

baby R was afraid when the airplane flew past! she found them loud and she hid her face and hugging me very tightly! we told her thats is the little aeroplane cos everynight i sing her a chinese song about planes. we told her theres nothing to be scared about and we managed to make her overcome and she even waved goodbye to the plane. Dap was great as she managed to take a shot of us with the plane and i cropped the plane out for the video.

You & Me
when i first heard the song by Olivia Ong, i liked it. if you ask me if i choose the song first or look at the pics then decide, it all depends. if there is a song i like, sometimes i keep it in my mind and i find a chance to use it. usually i load up all the photos, go thru the list of songs i have and i place them in to see if it fits... sometimes the song has alot of meaning to me and it suits the occasion. for You and Me, when i heard the lyrics with the photos, it was perfect. cos i love the part where it says, even those days are gone, they will have each other - then i show why those days are gone with baby R's pics! the mood of the song was just right for the feel of the photoshoot day!

we decided to get to the ground to be near baby R to take some shots. she was trapped bewteen us! her expressions caught on the camera were priceless. on a sunny day but it doesnt bother her and she is always showing her pipi tongue! baby R looked so cheeky when we did the family cheer!

my dearest GF and Me!
haha i think we look so nature together! dun think Mr Tan will ever be able to pose like that with me!
love these shots alot!

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