Alot of tots for what i wanted for 5th anniversary. wanted to buy a new pair of rings with blue stone - sapphire... gold price is ridiculasly HIGH! with bro's wedding a month away, new rings were out of the question and the more i look around with gx, even semi-precious stones, coloured ones on silver doesnt seem reasonable at all.
Eason was in town on our very anniversary, of cos i wanted to go... even if it was the cheapest ticket and i was prep that if baby R was afraid of the loud sounds... we would leave early but at least we were there but we didnt .... cos gx didnt want. i was rather disappointed. he was not a concert-goer and he was afraid that the sound system will hurt baby R's ear and she might be frightened with all the screaming fans...
it was a Saturday and no one can really handle baby-sitting our baby R esp without me around... so no fancy dinners. also not when we had so many parties to attend and my mum had a expensive bdae dinner which was so good...
i need to thank of cos Dap again for being such a dear fren, for your help and great works. also to Agnes and Martina who helped me source for photographer! i appreciate your help but do understand it was GX who wasn't comfortable with someone he didnt know as photographer and of cos we were lucky to find our fren who could help us out. thanks so much ladies!

if i didnt remember wrongly, the days prior to the shoot, it was gloomy and raining. so i prayed hard and i got my wish granted - hot sunny day! the places i had in mind was Hort Park - gx say its like gog back to work, the route to his office. after considering a few place, he name one similar place as me - Changi but different parts thou. i wanted to go to 2 places so i suggested a very near one to ensure we at least get some shots first if it was good weather cos if by the time we reach Changi area and if its raining, we wot get any pics at all! Our first stop - Toa Payoh Gardens. the monument of TPY gardens dates back very long time ago. thou they have painted it green, covering what was beidge before, it is stil the icon of TPY! alot of married couples in the 80s prob came here to do their photoshoot! my uncle was one of them!

GX parents also brought him to the park to celebrate his 1st bdae. they had a pic taken in one of the sitting area. Everything was fine till my long-time never wear heels decided to make my walk in the park alittle more challenging. the strape broke. daddy didnt wait for me as he was feeling really hot! he hates the sun glaring at his face... but i was glad that the photos turned out well with his eyes mostly opened! baby R was very natural!

dap took it her way and i love that her shots and my sil's shots are different. dap loves far shots and that allowed me to do alot of cropping and tilt the images and gave the images a different perspective and feel. i love the way she captured the park, making it such a nice backdrop!

the beauty of the park is that the trees here are prob really old! they have done new works but they kept the trees and i love the way the old trees bend towards the pond! love the way the trunk is so low and so bonsai looking!

love that dap jus shoot as its difficult to capture baby's attention always and she has not all posey shots. there were hardly any couple shots taken at tpy as the park is all about walking around the pond area! with our active baby and she sure can out run us and she knows how to trick us too! but i still managed to crop some pics of jus gx and me.

when we got to an area nearer the bridge connector, with the space far from the pond, we took the risk of a couple shot! gx ran and put baby R next to dap who has the camera aimed at us and once gx ran and stood next to me, dap shoot and he grab baby R once it was done! so with one photo i cropped it in 2 ways and effect of the pic look so different.
as i was struggling with the shoes, daddy was the main person to carry baby R. so when i see a pic i could crop daddy away, i did! cos i have very few pics of jus me and baby R! we did a hi-5 to indicate our 5th wedding anniversary but it looks more like 15 cos 3 hands doing hi-5! baby R is sure comfortable with dap as she has seen dap so many times, the most among my frens!

i was glad we did come to the park for the shoot cos as we walked along the wooden platform, the backdrop changes. i love all the elements that make up this park! the cement hexagon bridges are rather special to me, a contrast to the greenery and i am glad its not a wooden bridge! i love the way the plants are scape in the pond!

when the bench had a gap for pavement, daddy make her fly in the air to get to the other bench! she isnt afraid at all... she LOVEs it! then daddy make her leap thru the next bench! this made our little one very happy!

daddy was tired and he stopped and helped dap and i take a shot while he held baby R very near him as she stood on the cement bench. daddy managed to take 2 shot and i cropped one of it to give the photo more greenery and a different feel.
the stoned curve bridges are unique too! there were 2 arch bridges towards the end of the park. i like the pic of baby R with her arm up like indicating she is strong! then i sang Nobody nobody to her as i held her on the bridge and she pointed her tiny fingers when i said But YOU!

now that baby R walks, she likes to explore on her own... she wants to walk. not that its not a good thing as it relieves our hand muscle but chasing her is more taxing! she struggled to come down when she saw the the stepping stones pavement cos she saw how near she could get to the water!

no way she could cross on her own, not even when daddy hold her as the gap between the steps, she could fall into the pond and i kept nagging as i dun want to risk having a wet baby! so daddy carried her across! then we got to the "maze" bridge! old feature of park makes me really happy as it was a nice place to catch some shots!

where did baby R go? we each held onto her hand.... and she was nicely covered by the cement hexagon!
daddy and mummy jus want another couple shot!

becos baby R was standing low, she saw dap and dap was so professional to get low to get a shot of baby R and she told us to get down too as she saw interesting compostion! love our hexagon shots alot! baby R was of cos most excited as she was captured in the camera cos she prob tot its playing peek-a-boo with aunty dapdap!

love the cat-tail plants and the trees and bridge in this garden!

the park is home to a breed of dragonflies which is golden in colour. forgot the name of the breed
and there were tortoises in the lotus area.

while dap tried to take one more shot for daddy and mummy... the baby sneak and ran very fast away from aunty dapdap! gave us all a shock! daddy went chasing her and she really ran very far from us! this is the same tiny flower i took a few years ago in botanic gardens. it resembles orchid but a really tiny breed! the stems are zigzaggy!

the blur shot taken by me wasnt intentional but it was a perfect ending shot for the video!
daddy walked really fast... he was really trying to get out of the hot weather! he was also tired walking thru the park being the sole person who carried the 10kg baby! i was glad we went to tpy park as i love the pics taken there and the place wasnt crowded! there were people jogging, youngster taking portfolio too, lucky not many people sitting around the park so we had very nice photos without others in them!
i hope to walk the years with you, holding your hands, till old.
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