26th September Sunday. After the Shangrila past midnite wedding we attended Lucas' bdae party at noon! we head off to dempsey and enter bambini for the first time. its a place for kids for sure as we enter we could hear alot of running footsteps and of cos screams and shouts! We walked passed the whole setup for the kids to crawl, run, swing around on the left and on the right were 1 or 2 smaller private rooms that had parties going on in there. then we reached a bigger area that had a few tables and there were 3 party groups and the biggest area which was right at the back was my cousin L's party area.

sadly again i dun know why the boys in the family have their butts stuck to the chairs. i am voicing out cos they need to stop being so stuck to their chairs. i am disappointed as they should learn to pay back in a way they can, i am sure they can handle the camera, help my aunt chase the kids and take some shots. i dun know why i am the only one who has to do it. i have my kid and i too want some time to be with her and lucky she has daddy who played with her in the noisy environment and protecting her when rowdy kids were around. pretty fed up with them after being asked so many times. think we need to sit and talk as i am not the only one who feels they are super bo-chap. my aunts are asking me too why are the boys like that... at my fren's gal's party, Martina's cousins and siblings are all armed with camera helping to take pics more than eating or chatting and she has so many nice shots of her gal and the other guest who attended the party. she is so lucky. i was lucky my sil and her bf took the most and my aunt k and uncle k helped to take some shots on their camera for baby R's bdae...
think if baby R would enjoy herself more if she was older! its really pretty fun but i am too tall and big!

the kids can climb up to the highest 4th level that looks really high up cos the kids all look so small when they are up there! most of the adults spent the time sitting down to have their meals. after a sip of drink, i was back to try to capture more shots for my aunt who needed to entertain the parents of the kiddos.
all the kids have to have sock on and same goes to the adults who wants to be in the playarea with the kids. i am glad that daddy took good care of baby R while i was all over the place and i wished i had more time with them... baby R wanted so much to be with her little yiyis and i am thankful that nesa and Lety stopped to play with her! it was very sweet of them.

thou i am big, i managed to climb and go thru the tunnels cos they are big enough for adults to go thru... i decided to climb to bring baby R to the 2nd level! the 2 yiyis stick with us and gave us a helping hand and help to block out rowdy kids! i like the shot that daddy took of us in the tunnel! we gave up climbing to the next level as there were many kids who are very fast in action and i didnt want to risk getting baby R hurt... so we head down instead.

baby R loves climbing up and down... good workout for daddy!

wanted to captured the kids's looks when they slide down from the higest point in the playset, so they would call my name in the tunnel as they round-about their way down and when i hear they loud and clear, i press the button on the camera hoping i capture a nice shot... they had so much fun doing it that they climbed all the way up and called me so many times and their frens joined in too... "Lai Ching Jie JjjjjjiiiiiieeeeEEEe"!

i have to say this place is pretty well-designed for all age groups. we found another corner that suited baby R - a tiny slide! somehow the 1her 1st few tries, she landed on her tummy and slide down facedown! after a few tries and she managed to come down sliding on her bum and not her tummy! she loves the slide! too bad for baby R, we do have a slide and swing set given to us early this March... but its still in the warehouse... it was too big for us to ferry home as we only dismantle one part of it... so it followed my aunt's stuff and its now stuck in there... anyway there is no room for it at home.

thou there are many areas baby R can't go but i know she enjoyed herself alot! she wasnt sleepy and wanted to play more! we had to catch hold of her tightly and head off to get water for her! its a Starwars themed party and its all self-brought decor items. my aunted decorated the long kids table with starwars table cloth and the kids have pizza, nuggets, fries and tiny sausages for meal!

for the adults we ordered from the menu and the food take some time to come so we played with the masks given out to the guests! so many darth vadar of all sizes at the party! L's little frens were very game to take their photos with gx! so glad my gal was game enought too to wear the mask and she make sure hers didnt fall off as we posed for a pic!

the Star Wars spaceship cake!

the cake brought alot of excitment! the kids love it and the adults were fascinated with it! my aunt bought the figurines and this cake is very very nice! the chocolate cake was so moist and rich! its an italian cake according to my cousin nesa who followed to collect the cake! originally there is suppose to be rum in the cake...wooo but its for kids party so rum was omitted!
here comes the lightsaber! happy 5th birthday Uncle L!

the potato balls were highly recommended by the adults who had their lunch and the salmon veg salad was an extra order... cajun fries was a must, shared a carbonara with gx and sadly, they were out of wings! while daddy and i gobble up, the adults were kind enough to take turns to help us out with baby R.... she was a fighter, with so much strength that all the old folks had very short turns and they were all scared to carry our gal... cos she turn and twist so much, making it so hard to hold on to her and they were afraid she might fall or they might hurt her while trying to hold onto her... haiz... and they always tot i was rough with her... haha.... till they try they now know how tough it is to handle my active one!

the lightsabres were fun! haha... to have a calm down time for our gal, we played her some videos on her portable to get her rest alittle so that the rest of us all can take a breather! holding a party here at Bambini isnt cheap... the adults' menu charges were like restaurants and for each kid to play in the play area, they are charged per head...thou they have packages for the group of children then additional they are charged accordingly... had fun with the kids and thank you to aunt O who brought us here for a great family outing!
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