Mr Tan threw in the towels and say thats it for the photoshoot. too hot and he didnt want to take anymore pics. we walked in the sailing club to take alook. Mr Tan decided to go to the loo, while dap and i with baby R, we took a walk around.

it isnt a big place but i immediately fell in love with a corner! not sure if we were allowed to settle ourselves there but i just head over! dap took a few shots for baby R and i - love the mood! the coconut trees made the corner look so relaxing!

felt like we werent in Singapore.... dap had received a msg that she is welcome in Indonesia on her mobile!

when Gx came to find us, i asked him to take shots for us! he was the one who didnt want anymore photos but i guess he couldnt resist the swing! it brought me to KSM's swing on the island.... maybe he was thinking of the same thing? i loved it under the coconut trees, swinging in the shades but baby R didnt seem to like the swing too much. she tried to struggle off me a few times or was she afraid the swing mit collapse?!
so daddy took baby R for a walk... while dap and i shared the swing!

so sweet daddy took her gal for a walk jus infront of us on the platform and they did a peek-a-boo, almost like an indian dance peeking out of the coconut tree! took pics without leaving the swing! i was the 1st to sit and still i sat on the swing not moving away from the comfort spot!
caught some nice shot of the father and daughter!
my favourite father and gal pic

love how the leaves make the composition beautiful.

then daddy came back to the swing to join me again... dap was off to take some more shots for us but i was still on the swing! then i was chased off the swing by daddy and it was my turn to bring my gal for a walk. so daddy started taking some shots for baby R and me.

i started to dance with my gal on the platform!

i love how the pics turnedo out... glad we chose this place for phototaking!

can't remember why did baby R and mummy laughed so hard! but it must have been really funny!
my gal and me
daddy remembered that i complained that i dun have many nice shots with my gal thou we are always hm cos i am the one who always take her and not shots together and i suddenly have many many nice shots! i like all of them...
somehow my little gal isnt that little oredi... she has grown so much
my 5th wedding anniversary

thank you Dap for doing me, my family such a big favour... THANK YOU!

dun know why but my gal got daddy to start clapping his hands... and they looked like they were doing the dance steps for the korean song Sorry Sorry! haha... and baby R didnt spare Dap... she made sure she clapped along with her! then the nicest thing that happened... baby R hugged dap. my little sweetheart fell into her arms and gave a hug with her tiny hands tapping on Dap's back... baby R did that for another 2-3times and i was touched... cheers to you dap!

love the shadow of the coconut leaves on the wooden platform...

its been so long since we did couple self-shots.....

not sure when will we be back but it was a beautiful day filled with nice light breeze and many photos!
i really hope we can go on till we are old, hold hands till old, pace our journey together.
I LOVE YOU deardear...
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