2nd destination, we were so uncertain if the place is still around! many years back, gx and i celebrated his bdae, with ser's recommendation, i fell in love with this place! its not yet changi beach area cos gx says its still consider the end of east coast. then the restaurant was interesting cos we sat on the beach to have dinner. last time not many people would take out their cameras to take pics... so i recall if i have any or even if i had its in the com that dropped died years ago... lost many precious photos in that com... ever since i learnt to back up but i yet to do any back up since baby R came along!

we brought frens here for dinner before, its very relaxing and i love the idea of getting our feet sandy and haha almost eating in the dark when the sunsets! we went there several times with my fila-excols a couple of time for dinner+ ktv session above the restaurant but that was years back too... ever since i left fila i never got to go back there. when we turned into the little lane that also leads to the army chalets.... i really hoped that the place remains... but sadly it has changed... grass replaced the sand and theres railings across blocking access to the water....what a waste! the breakwater also was blocked with lots of plants... alot of couples used to come here for shots.... so much changes.
we almost tot theres no biz gog on... we were the 3 group of people in the indonesian style restaurant. the chilli served with the tapioca crackers burns tongue! but i tiki, have to dip to get the shiokness! i find the menu cover ugly... weird design!

the view we got was nice but we arent really facing out when we eat... how baby R tells us she is hungry? she eats herself! kinda miss the old restaurant cos i had very yummy cheesy baked crab.... but it was nice to have indonesian too cos we had our honeymoon in bali! as baby R waited for me to set up her lunch, she somehow keep doing this chicken dance routine! she would swing her bend arms left and right vigorously!

dap and i had avocado drink with chocolate sauce but we had to ask for more chocolate sauce thou! gx had chendol. i can't remember what soup we had! think it was beef soup! cos i didnt drink any! gx ordered nasi campur but it was jus fried rice with an egg... the kang kong if i didnt remember wrongly caught us all on fire! the chicken was ordered wrongly as i wanted it grilled but it came with sauce but it was not too bad. the best dish we ordered was the grilled squid! its very good but the only problem is that it wasnt really HOT it was warm... the tofu was ok i think cos i dun really remember much about it... the food overall ok not fantastic but edible.
daddy was sleepy after a sunny morning walk and heavy lunch. aunty dapdap looked recharged after lunch! beauty of aunty dapdap is that she has no complains for the day and she has good appetitate and its always nice to eat with her! as for baby R, she was recharged too! she didnt seemed to mind the hot sunny shoot we had in the morning and she wasnt going to nap! she even did her spanish dance move with her tongue doing a series of leh-leh-leh sounds!

lazy daddy was given a job - to take shots for baby R+my dear fren+me! baby R sure knows how to pose with us! she is very comfortable with dap around! she spread her hands behind us to give us a sweaty group hug! neh, it wasnt sweaty jus kidding. baby R loves dap for another reason - dap's accessories! baby R loves all her accessories!

can't remember what baby R did but we sure laughed hard! she was the happy nut that kept us smiling thru the hot afternoon Saturday! took us some time to get baby R to return dap's bangles! she had so much fun transferring both bangles to one hand, had one on each of her tiny hands... she jus had so much fun with them!
then we hid one corner in the restaurant to change baby R's diaper. the manager suggested us to do at the seats cos they dun have a place for that purpose... when she was done, i put her down from the bench and she started running! dap tried to help to block her but she "escape"! daddy who was settling the bills came to corner her but she managed to turn and ran the other way! when i was done packing, i joined int to block her and daddy managed to get her off her feet!
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