Rachel's 1st Full Month Party
5th July 2009 Sunday - at mum's place. My relatives, close gfs, gx's buddies and Gx's collegues! wished we could have captured more from the party but we were so tied down entertaining as there were many guests! sorry to those who came but we didnt managed to catch you on the camera! thanks so much for taking precious time to attend our little Rachel's party and thank you for all the well-wishes and gifts!
Rachel's Actual Full Month Party
10th July 2009 Friday. Eventful day! Prayer to Rachel's great grandparents, Sending fruit tarts to Gynae and Nurses at TMC, Massage session with Mrs Wong at TMC Parentcraft, Trimming hair ceremony, Collecting Cord Seal, Sending tarts to Gx's office, Collecting dinner from crystal jade taka, Dinner party at inlaws, Gift Ceremony, Cake cutting and it was long day for Our Family... daddy, mummy and baby slept at 1am!
Rachel's 3rd Full Month Party!
11th July 2009 Saturday - At In-laws. Gx's relatives, Gx's bosses, Gx's longtime fren (sadly only one could make it!), our neighbour, FIL's buddies, OUR SI frens, my family and my longtime gf who missed the party the week before! I made it a Pooh Bear themed party. Started with wanting to order agaragar instead of a cake. I like the design where pooh holds the #1 representing 1 month old! then i ordered the pooh bear cookies as party flavours! worried that there won't be enough agaragar ... didnt want the table to be left empty after i cut the agaragar to serve, i ordered another pooh bear agar and it was great as this was 3D! like a pop-up art! I personally baked little pooh bear vanilla butter cookies for my gal's party! over gx's side there are more little ones and they all loved the pooh bear items!
Personally, i love all 3 parties but the one that is most meaningful would be Rachel's actual full month party. daddy took a day off and we spent so much time as a family doing many task that day! We did alot more personal planning for out little one. After prayer to my paternal grandparents, we went to pick up the pooh bear cookies from Aunty Yochana! She is the one in the middle and she is pretty and young! Think many would have imagined that she is older cos she told me many told her so! i was one of them who say you look so young! then to punggol to pray to my maternal grandparents and off we head back to tpy to pray to gx's grandparents and after lunch we were on the road again!
Next, we brought her to TMC, after distributing her full-month tartlets to my gynae and nurses who took care of us, we gave our little gal a treat. BABY MASSAGE! i booked a personal session with Mrs Wong, the head of parentcraft at TMC. We attended her prenatal classes and i was thankful that she popped by to see our little gal when we were staying at TMC. So after we gave her a box of tartlets to thank her, i started to massage Rachel! while Mrs Wong showed me massaging Rachel's left leg, hands, i had hands on session on Rachel's right limbs! Rachel slept so well after the massage! Didnt take pics and gx was busy recording the session on video... its for me to revise just in case i forget the steps!
Next desitination was opp TMC. We brought her over to the shop where we did her cord seal. we chose to have her chinese name craved in FanTi as in future dun think many will write in FanTi anymore! so we want to let her know how her name is written in Fanti! then we decided to let her just trim her hair instead of shaving all off on her full month. We want to wait for her head, skull and everything else to be more developed before shaving her hair off... so we had the hair at her neck trim shorter. then we drove a long way to gx's office to deliver the tartlets. it was my first time at his office. everyone was so excited to see her and all gathering to try to wake her to see her eyes open! cos at her party, she shut them for so long enjoying her beauty sleep! but little one just slept on... then we drove to town.
We were to collect dinner takeaways from Taka crystal jade. Both sets of grandparents think that Rachel is too young to join the crowd outside for too long... moreover with H1N1... so dinner is to be held at home. So i had help from Aunt O who helped me order the pencai which usually is only available during CNY. i tot it would be easy to have all the good stuff in a pot! i always like the salted egg-yolk prawns best from this crystal jade so i ordered for the rest to thank everyone for helping me out in many ways during my confinement thou i cannot touch prawns at all! Aunt O recommended spinach tofu topped with mushrooms and it was nice!
lucky we arrived a little too early and the food isnt ready for collection as we had time to look for a cake to celebrate Rachel's Full month and oso it is the dessert for the day! Chanced upon the great offer at baker inn's counter! 50%+10% off 3 types of cake and i chose the new york cheesecake as it red and pretty with the decorations we saved from the macaron creation! Yes it was my mil's great idea to save these pretty sugar pcs! and i put them to good use! making the cake look special on this special day!
yes baby is in her own slumber party again! the day was tiring for us but we were prob the happiest people! baby didnt come easy and we are so glad she is growing well! Also i am so lucky to have such great support from both families! Everyone in the photo did their part to give us help, sacriface time to make us comfortable and guide us through baby's 1st month.
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