seriuosly not in the best mood to keep my updates now... but when i checked the next update was my bro's wedding... i want this in my blog as a record for baby R... cos she attended her very own Fufu's wedding... also its my bro's wedding.
22nd October 2010. Eve of my bro's wedding. bro came and get baby R and me to go Far East Floral to buy flowers to decorate the house for his bug day. my job was to get the flower for the flower gal's hand bouquet.

my bro has a super liking for calic lilies! he simply loves them! my aunt arrange the rest of the arrangements for the house... dun really like to work with her... she stole my flowers for her arrangements and make me end up with insufficient flowers for the hand bouquets and i end up with 2 different sets of hand bouquets...

bro's florist came to do up the cars and deliver the hand bouquets and the sisters' wrist corsages... all very nice except that i found the groom's corsage too similiar to the jiemei's wrist corsage... wished the florist did up my bro's corsage alittle more...
mum specially got this in shanghai when she chanced upon it for my brother's wedding.
that's alot of flowers! but very pretty! - Emily
started way back in the 1990s, my uncles weddings, my aunt would do up arrangements. my wedding had only 2 arrangements no flower girls... only started making flower gals' bouqets for sis' wedding onwards!
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