23rd October 2010. Sunday morning. wee morning.... never really slept... cos i closed my eyes prob 12.30am onwards and by 3.30am mum and i were awake... my aunt k was next and we wre busy in the kitchen preparing the things needed for the prayer... cooked the tangyuan, make tea, arrange the fruits... woke the groom up to prep and he wore his new pj that make him looked like he is gog for kungfu session.

thansk to Uncle K who esp made the tablecloth and my mum's CS top fr SH for the occasion!

for the boys, after the parents comb the hair for the groom, parents would tie a red cloth ribbon on bro and like my bro he has 2 bro-inlaws, they would also help to hang over my bro a red cloth and tie a knot to symbolise something good... not sure what it is..... mum said it in cantonese and i dun remember... but if the groom doesnt have bro-inlaws, he will only have the one tied by the parents.

all the early relatives who made it for the comb-hair ceremony! its great effort and i really appreciate.

gx helped bro to pin the corsage.... my bro is a big boy...
the only thing i could do for him was to be his morning photographer!

the items to bring to the bride's house.
the pig will only go over on the 2nd trip, when the couple return to the bride's side for tea ceremony.
bro wrote mum a card... touching...

some moments i helped to captured ... bro got 10 brothers to gate crash with him!

when my mum ran out of Xi angbaos... i came up with an idea of giving Ji Xiang for the wee morning packet and Ru Yi for the tea-ceremony angbao for the relatives so that everyone who came to give their blessing has got Ji Xiang Ru Yi angbaos!
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