
Friday, June 25, 2010

friday June 25th = happiness, laziness and closeness

happiness. thursday my good fren dap met up with me, baby and mil at taka crystal jade for dimsum. i wanted to thank my mil for all she has given to baby and me during gx's absence. also i wanted to treat my dear fren who always visit me on her off days. most of all, the dimsum is good and i had craving for the mochi.... something i long wanted to share with my dear fren! she loved it and we ordered some more for teatime. we had waterchestnut kueh, popcorn, tortilla chips with cheesedip, mochi and magmum for teatime. baby r loves ice-cream! today i brought her out on my own in the afternoon. we went junction 8 at bishan. walked around and got my jap yakitori rice for dinner. asked her if she wanted ice-cream... BABY R NODDED HER HEAD! so i carried her to cheers to get ourselves an almond magmum! love sharing with food with her! when she had too much ice-cream, too cold for her tiny lips, she would make a very miserable face!

laziness. so tired recently that i have no energy to load any photos taken since 2 weeks ago... many nice things happen. celebrated ann and nesa bdae at out of the pan and we had a special guest. my long time no see cousin TT. it was great that she asked us out and i invited her to join us in our annual celebration gathering. she was happy to see us. we all went to a new tart place to have tea / dessert. it was great and i loved all the tarts we had.... wished i had loaded the photos... shrink them and upload them... its such a hassle to upload one photo at a time in blogger.... making me so lazy... i decided to post up my entries and catch up on uploading but i feel soooo LAZY! but i took time to check on baby R's past down clothings and i was glad i did that! i found alot of long PJ pants and long sleeves that i need and lucky i didnt buy any! many nice dresses and bottoms! the skirts and pants all very nice! with all the new clothings had received since xmas last year and on her bdae.... baby R has enough to last her thru 2 more years! i think i only need to shop for shoes and maybe white tops when she need new ones!

closeness. jus baby r and i. we watched my dvds together. while i watch, she play and i play with her and she watch when she hears the songs. she has many new dance moves and she knows how to do the "concert wave"! i adore her and can't help looking at her when she dance! she has a very cute face! she is such a joy. yesterday nite, she called me in a sweetest voice. Mama. gave me a hug. that brought a smile to my face! warmed my heart. this morning, she woke up and gave me nice smile that brighten the grey rainy day. she called me Mama again but once and thats it. no matter how i asked her to do it again, she won't. i feel so lucky to have her. thou she was pretty pipi today, got smacked on her little bumbum.... we still made up and she laughed so hard when i tickled her! we played ma-sak ma-sak just now. got her some food items and i took out the ikea children colourful bowls and she filled them with the food items! now she can take very steady 6 steps towards me. she is very adventurous....trying to walk everywhere, trying to climb the coffeetable.... tiring as i have to watching her every move. aunt got us a playpen as a bdae gift, yet to set it up and not sure how well she will adapt to it.

the best thing that happened this week would be she knelt infront of the alter to pray. she turned back to show ah ma and i that she had her palms together.... she was on her knees.... then she moved up and down on her knees. her hands were in a spanish dance position and she bent backwards and she sway forward and clapped and danced. amazed with her. love you little pipi. daddy is coming home next tues! finally we get to have our daily family hug and do the family cheer together!

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