
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

happy family on friday nite!

daddy surprised us! he came home early! not as in he skipped work, he left work on time which haven happen in AGES! was soooo happy to see him, not just me, baby r was thrilled! she gave daddy just a huge grin that her eyes were sooooo tiny just like ours! daddy's heart melted! he hurried with his shower and took us out for dinner!

we decided not to drive out, we took a short walk to swensens in tpy. the building is under reno and there's no air-condition in the restuarant! baby r took her kiddo menu and mimic what we were doing = looking at the menu to order! we kept the menu to keep her busy for the moment! then we had to entertain her with whatever i can find in my bag! not sure if they purposely serve out food separately? but it was great! cos we share soup and gx's soft-shell crab pasta while one of us entertain her, then when we were done, they served the extra cheese salmon mushroom baked rice. daddy fed baby r her apple crisp. she enjoyed the attention daddy showered on her!

daddy was sweet to bring me for a nice meal. yes, this is now considered a treat for me, something that doesnt happen now and then for me... its great to savour every meal, enjoy my meal, everytime i get to dine out. baby r sure knows who to smile at! she smiled at the waitress serving food to us! gosh she just kept smiling till the waitress couldn't take her eyes off her too! i told daddy that baby r knows that after the waitress clears our plates, our ice-cream will be served! a scoop of cookies and cream for daddy and a classic vanilla cone for me! baby r got really excited! daddy fed her lit of his and baby r was impatient, kept mumbling for more. i didnt feed her nuts, she was licking the vanilla off the cone on her own! she got all upset when we finished the ice-cream! but she soon got over it as we distract her with the cartoon ice-cream cakes! we took a short walk and head home as the weather was a killer!  

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