
Monday, November 22, 2010

mooncakes sampling session!

battle of the mooncakes!

traditional Vs snowskin. HK vs Tai Chong Guo - family all time favourite. Atas raffles vs Dong hai restaurant... who wins the day - MY TUMMY! haha no matter who bought what, where its from, what type it was... the fact is glad no one repeated the same kind from the same place and the best thing is that its a feast of mooncake! everything on the table was spectacular!!! but the winner for me this year is....

this teochew traditional mooncake bought by my cousin A's hubby. its somewhere in Geylang and they only sell this once a year during mooncake fest and its REALLY YUMMY! my cousin A ate too much till she had sorethoart and i almost did too cos i ate alot of it as there were quite a few pieces left at mums and with so many mooncakes, mum told me to tabao! its really good and i want a box to myself next year!

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